Saturday, December 27, 2008

How To Increase IE Download speed

How To Increase IE Download speed, IE download
If you have ever tried to download several things simultaneously through IE then you may have noticed that it doesn't quite work the way you may have hoped it to.
This is because IE limits the amount of simultaneous downloads to two downloads. Why is this done by Microsoft ? This is done so that the perceived download progress appears to be moving quickly. If you have a high speed connection such as Cable modem or DSL then your browser should be able to handle a few more downloads.
Here are 2 different steps I have found to increase your number of connections.

IE Download Limit The following is to increase the the number of max downloads to 10.

1. Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe).
2. Locate the following key in the egistry:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\m*cro$oft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings.
3. On the Edit menu, click Add Value (a dword) , and then add the following registry values:"MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server"=Dword:0000000a

"MaxConnectionsPerServer"=Dword:0000000a4. Quit Registry Editor

That should do it, close IE and restart.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

book review: MS Press Terminal Services for Windows 2008

This MS Press book is one of the newly published books about Terminal Services for Windows 2008. I was very impressed with this Resource Kit.
I have read before resource kit book guides from MS Press for many years, but this one was in a different class. This book is great for architectural planning for botht he novice and experienced IT professional, all while displaying hands on instructions that allows you to set up a working Terminal Services platform. The resources kits also allowsyou to understand the inner workings of Terminal Services while giving guidance on managing all aspects of Terminal Services in the Windows environment.

Chapters are easy to understand, even when it comes to complex roles such as deploying terminal servers, or integrating terminal services to other Windows platforms.

This book is different in from others written simple because it’s written by authors who have been working in the virtual realm for 5 yrs demonstrating their knowledge and experience every day, this is realized early on in the book as you read more chapters.

So, if you are in the market for a book getting in to detail on Terminal Services RemoteApp, Terminal Services Gateway, Terminal Services Web Access, Terminal Services Easy Print, and Terminal Services Session broker, you have the right book for the job.

Happy Reading

Monday, September 1, 2008

Learn about Hyper-V for "free"

Microsoft just release the 70-652 Hyper-V test.

Learn about Hyper-V – for free by loggin into Microsoft e-learning and take advantage of the limited time free on-line class.

Post your feed back, love to hear others on how they liked or disliked the e-class.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

clear clip board memory

Begin by first clicking on the Start Button.
  • Then click on Run Icon, which will open up the Run Menu for you.
  • Locate the white area of the screen next to the word Open: in the Run Menu.
  • Now type in the abbreviated word Clipbrd and click on the OK button to launch the Program.
  • Notice how the Clipboard contains a record of your recent copy and paste inputs.
  • To empty your Clipboard, click on the word Edit located within your top tool bar area.
  • Then click on the word Delete from the pull down menu that appears.
  • Windows will ask you if you want to Clear the contents of the Clipboard.
  • Click on the Yes button this will allow Windows to clear the Clipboard.
  • Notice how your former imputed information is now cleared from the Clipboard.
  • Then close the Clipbook Viewer Window to return to your Windows session.